This project is no longer maintained and no further public releases are planned.

No further support will be given.

Feel free to fork the git repository.



Formhandler website redesigned

You may have noticed that looks a bit different since today. Responsive Layout We rebuilt the website using Foundation to modernize the look and feel of Feel free to view the website...[more]

Category: Website news


New example online

A new example is available in the newsletter registration section. Based on a post on TYPO3 Blogger by Stefan Frömken the example shows to store data in a table and send an authentication link to the user in order to activate the...[more]

Category: Website news


Search and Feedback form online

The search box is now fully functional. uses Apache Lucene and Solr to take care of the search index. To query the index we rely on an adapted TYPO3 extension "solr". If you find a bug on the website or...[more]

Category: Website news


Formhandler website launched

We proudly announce the launch of Formhandlers very own website. Check out the example page where you can find fully functional pre-built Formhandler forms ready for use in your projects. The documentation section contains all...[more]

Category: Website news